Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Instagram started chasing off the robots over the past two months. hope a real person as more numbers.

The New York Times reported that during the 2 months ago Instagram has closed access to those programs, the bot that popular forms such Instagress, PeerBoost, InstaPlus, Mass Planner and Fan Harvest The bots are a violation of the Terms of Use Instagram. But the past Instagram not serious.

The application of these bots To scan for posts that meet the conditions, such as using the hash tag. Then to comment, with the text set, engaging, track to expect those accounts follow back. The number one way, but when Instagram start closing these bots Should make the numbers followers, like a number of reliable because of the users a real person.

Chasing off the provider program bots may not have made an end to the problem. Because they have a new page But a program management approach that Instagram has been popular before celebrities.

Source: The New York Times.

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