Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Google donated 1 million dollars for the LGBT group in New York City.

On Sunday Google donate money amount is 1 million USD. LGBT or gender choice in New York City to preserve oral history (Oral history) from the riots as they battled it out to claim their freedom. the Stonewall hotel in 1969.

Chuck Schumer senator of the United States announced that the Google donated to the community center LGBT at New York City to invest in the starting this project. By Schumer also said the purpose of this project again. "To preserve this place for generations can learn and recognize about the disturbance in the past. And will bring this money to convert from the place is in the form of digital content that can access and a lesson to millions of people all over the world.

Head of the project is to donate this time William Floyd, the head of Google's international work and this project will be completed during the 50th anniversary of the history in the year 2019.

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