Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Application Messenger add feature filters to Video Call.

Facebook added the finishing touches to feature Video Call on the App Chat Messenger 4 together First, the user can press emoji screen to display the animation of the reaction can be depicted on the screen briefly. Following are additional filters to change the color video. An example is shown to the user that changes color when it is. If satisfied, use the other side of it. Next, add a filter mask is cute, like rabbit ears, a Crown of flowers to choose from between applications is displayed until a user selects filter switching off manually, or chat. Finally, can save the screen during the video call, press the button and it will save it immediately. to share into the Messenger Day or other apps in mind you.

All of this release. Available in both 1 per 1 or chat group, update the iOS and Android app on your Messenger to the latest version for immediate use.

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