Friday, June 30, 2017

Make the bike as advertising space, another bike-sharing service's revenue in China.

Bicycle sharing services in China, business is going well. Chinese people use the bicycle on the road together tens of ten millions of cars by the major services and is Ofo, Mobike the agency saw it as an opportunity to do advertising to reach people tremendous. On the advertising marketing on the bicycle is broken.

Twitter user profile named Edmond Lococo posted a picture of the bike on the car brand Ofo The glowing yellow and cars with ads cartoon Minions. Promote the movie Despicable Me 3 projected in China.

Ofo indicates that people use their bikes daily sightseeing 10 million. Other competitors Mobike section specifies that some day someone uses brand up to 25 million people. Bike rental costs that may not be very expensive. To make the bikes as advertising space is another substantial revenue.

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