Monday, June 19, 2017

Google uses a parallel pair of AI work preparation with humans join terrorist censor content separation.

Google and YouTube as part of our commitment to combating terrorism by Kent Walker, Vice President and legal counsel of Google blog, join the terrorist resistance, on the online world by Google and YouTube in collaboration with Government, civil society, with over 1,000 exhibitors from around the world get rid of terrorist content removed from online. By identifying the identity content that looks create violence and terrorist bomb.

Step joint anti terrorism.

     •Add the technology to manipulate the content in a video clip that clips create violence and               terrorism. By using model analysis of the video.

     •Just AI alone is not enough. Labor has been used by expanding the number of civil society organizations from 50 to 63.

     •There will be a warning for the video clip content incite violence, it will not be able to make money. Unable to create engagement and also search.

     •YouTube is promoting through the video clip content to resist the terrorists and stop creating hatred to change minds, people came more cooperation.

Google and YouTube have also partnered with Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft to develop the technology in the fight against terrorism on the online world together. Previously, Facebook recently combined terrorist resistance as well, after the British leader and France declared, social media, joint responsibility. The model of Facebook, was the introduction of AI, and people use the same but will be open space, the whole world together and the sensor.

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