Monday, June 19, 2017

Artificial intelligence from Microsoft made the score of a game, a maximum of Ms.Pac-Man.

Probably won't let alone page AlphaGo. When Microsoft's artificial intelligence can score the game Ms. Pac-Man, score up to 999 990, leaving away human story 4 imaginable, which this game is rated as one of the toughest games for artificial intelligence to overcome.

This artificial intelligence developed by start-up Maluuba side Deep Learning that Microsoft acquired in early. Using the teaching process called Hybrid Reward Architecture which teaches all 150 artificial intelligence to help learn and work together. Artificial intelligence one acts to control Pac-Man in eating pellet again will be taken when escape the ghosts. The artificial intelligence that controls these processes is to get feedback from others. Before making a decision, and weighed.

We could see the artificial intelligence of the Microsoft works beyond the ability of human as well as AlphaGo quickly is fine.

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