Thursday, June 15, 2017

Box Launch Box Drive to store files on the cloud. All the files but not download.

Become a fashion trends go, then When the cloud provider Storage Box another list that focuses on the enterprise market. Post Box Drive Storage service see all files in the cloud without downloaded stored in the machine.

Box said that in the past, the desktop is the main workspace of people Box, Sync Services are synced between your desktop to the cloud, but the era of change to. File size is larger than the hard disk starts cloud. To sync all the files, so the start is not possible.

Box Drive provides unlimited storage space (!), The user's desktop to see a list of all the files themselves. And can be run on demand.

Box Drive is the target of the enterprise market. Feature to encrypt data through various standards. The government argues that the target set for Box Box Drive instead of sharing the same network. But this has not announced a price.

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