Sunday, August 13, 2017

Google launches deeplearn.js Machine Learning from a browser, no need to program any.

The research team PAIR (People + AI Research Initiative) of Google. Open the project deeplearn.js JavaScript library for machine learning trends in Web browser.

the trend AI need to use specific tools, such as the library, TensorFlow, Torch, Caffe, which depends on highly specialized. The exit of the Google took a library that runs on the browser. No installation needed any help outsiders in AI access training model simple. More convenient.

The problem of running machine learning in the browser is stuck at the performance of the solution of JavaScript Google is run on the WebGL to run the processing power of the GPU. Which is suitable for AI.

The deeplearn.js API options are cloned came from TensorFlow and NumPy allows to convert from model TensorFlow came running on deeplearn.js. Now the deeplearn.js also recently count as version 0.1.0 and also during startup.

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