Monday, August 14, 2017

Chinese cyber surveillance authorities investigate a threat to national content from WeChat, Weibo, Baidu.

Cyberspace Administration of China is currently under investigation by the Internet content platform, is WeChat, Weibo and Baidu, identified by authorities found that the use of violence, some rude publish a threat to national security. orderliness of the nation.

Weibo has answered the journalist said that the case "extremely negative experiences regret over Weibo's Internet users resulting from malicious data. We will accelerate the resolution and cooperate with the investigation, "Baidu it will increase the concentrations of sensor measures to prevent illegal information is displayed on the online world, and Tencent it to a similarly is to cooperate with the investigation.

Expert opinion on the law Yan Huafeng stated that the company had no choice. To build a sensor instruments content tighter. Free area limit less to another. It is not yet clear that the content and the investigating officer is harmful to the country ?.

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