Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Disney will stop publishing the content on Netflix since the year 2019 to complete its own streaming service.

Disney announced the agreement to stop publish content via Netflix with effect from the year 2019 onwards by Disney will provide streaming video itself.

The announcement follows Disney announced that it has acquired the shares of BAMTech add another 42% to $ 1.58 billion, Disney's largest shareholder 75% by BAMTech is a provider of streaming of MLB (Major League Baseball). and Disney will bring this technology to further develop a streaming service of its own.

In addition to Disney content streaming service that will be launched in 2019 after a contract with Netflix and Disney will also launch a streaming service for ESPN sports channels in particular. To broadcast sporting events, check the MLB, NHL and MLS in early next year.

Netflix ended in an agreement between Disney and this will affect the film was screened in 2019, the year the film was slated for release this year and next year. Will also be available to watch on Netflix continues until the end of his contract, including Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Avengers: Infinity War, Cars 3 and The Incredibles 2.

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