Friday, September 8, 2017

Credit information company Equifax 143 million customers hacked data. executives sell shares before news release

Equifax Credit Information Company, the largest of the United States. Announced that it has been hacked And 143 million customer records stolen away. Numbers may not seem much compared to other cases (such as Yahoo accounts hacked 1,500 million), but more detailed information of Equifax to have a name, Social Security number, date of birth, address, driver's license numbers. Credit card number, etc. This information can be used to impersonate an individual.

Equifax's data total number of 143 million accounts that fall off to the United States nearly half of the population of the country information. The fall in risk.

Equifax finds himself was hacked systems on 29 July. Then announced the news being hacked to the public yesterday. Over time, for about a month, but the company's executives, at least 3 detail (including the CEO) Back to the sale of shares themselves out before and after discovered being hacked only 3 days.

A spokesman for Equifax, said these executives sold out as only a small proportion. And did not know about the hacked during which they were sold. Equifax's share price after the news was announced hacked had fallen to 13%.

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