Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Broadcom launches new version of GPS precise chip over Using less power coming in the Smartphones next year.

Broadcom launches satellite position lining chip new version with more precision. Use less energy and, most importantly, can be used in town or in a building with steel and concrete block signals even more accurately. By virtue of the original signal, the signal L1 in conjunction L5 with the precision more than .

Chip BCM47755 positioning accuracy with error not exceeding 30 centimeters, while the current device error not exceeding 5 metres, as well as to reduce signal reception caused by reflections from the building in the city, resulting in inaccurate positioning and lived, but the signal directly from the satellite as the primary. Make the precision when being used in more and more cities.

Broadcom's design specifies that the Smartphones next year starts with this BCM47755 of chip components, but does not specify a particular version of that brand?

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