Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Apple ranked highest brand value, of Interbrand's 2017 for the 5th year.

Interbrand ranking of highest-value brands by 2017, the annual main financial performance criteria, the influence of the brand the customer's decision, and the ability to retain the price premium or profit of the company.

This year, Apple has been ranked as one consecutive year 5, then valued at 184,154 million, up 3% from the second to Google at 141,703 million dollars, an increase of 6% and Microsoft at No. 3. 79,999 dollars increased 10%, while other technologies.

# 6 Samsung increased 9% to 56,249 million dollars
# 8 Facebook increased by 48% (Increase the maximum) to 48 188 dollars
# 15 Intel rose 7% to 39,459 million dollars,
# 16 Cisco rose 3%. 31,390 million dollars
# 17 Oracle rose 3% to 27,466 million dollars.

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