Friday, September 1, 2017

Software design engineers cheat emission test of the Volkswagen was sentenced 40 months in prison

Detroit Court Judge Volkswagen test cheating pollution exposure since 2015. Now the lawsuit part has the judgement and what James Liang's design, software engineers have the ability to cheat, by his own confession, according to allegations. According to District Court sentenced 40 months imprisonment, $200,000 higher than the adjusted State Attorney requests.

The lawyer of the Liang stated that Liang itself is not used in the fraud. But just follow the instructions of the employer. Regardless of the impact The lawyers ask the Court to detain a punishment in the home and social services. While the Prosecutor asks for 3 years imprisonment and a 200,000dollar adjustment.

Judge Sean Cox indicated that the high penalty like this to remind people to other engineers. Do not join this action again. However, the Liang can file an appeal.

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