Monday, July 17, 2017

US men aged 21-30 years, more unemployment. The researchers suggest their game is more than a work.

With new research, the youngest man in the U.S. conducted by Princeton and the University of Chicago found that men at any age 21-30 years of unemployment by year 2016 figures revealed that there is a 15% does not work or works, but does not do full time, which increased from the year 2000 up to 50%. In addition, the average working time per day, decreased 12%, from the year 2000.

Faculty research also indicated that 67% of a group of unemployed men who still live with their parents or close relatives (year 2000 with 47%) noted researchers assumed that they hope our dependence on the family in the long term. They also take 520 hours per year to go to the computer and 60% is spent on gaming.

This research indicates a change of lifestyle and a video game is one of the reasons that make this group of people involved in the U.S. economy, the less. Unproductive economic health in the long term.

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