Monday, July 24, 2017

Boy driving a bike ofo accident the bus died.

In late March. Accidents on the road, Shanghai, China, by one of the boy riding the bicycle company's ofo and collide with a bus causing the boy died. The boy's parents sued the company for damages ofo bike sharing.

From the investigation found that the wrong side of the street bike-riding boy. Cause an accident. However, the boys family indicate that companies are responsible for ofo with not a care for bicycles unavailable in public and still let underage kids that might unlock the bicycles. Because, by law, traffic in China Specifies that a child must be at least 12 years old, so is cycling on public roads.

News reports indicate that this accident killed up to 2 people and injured dozens. This event contributes to questions about whether the Government and the relevant authorities to deal with the growing company, which is an ofo is high.

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