Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Market research firms expect money through mobile video advertising will overtake the desktop in the next year.

Not only did revenue in the mobile games industry, only surpassing that of PC and console. The amount of money that was spraying them with ads for mobile video, it is expected to overtake the front page ad on the video that is played through the PC and the tv in the next year, this.

Market research firm Zenith were expected next year. The money was used to pay for ads on videos for mobile will increase to 49%, is about 1.8 billion US dollars. Against the amount for the ad for the video on non-mobile devices (PC, laptop, and tv), which is reduced to the first 1.5% 1.5 billion US dollars.

Zenith, the next year, the average time of watching video on phones and tablets will be increased by 25%, is about 36 minutes per day. While on the PC and the tv group is 18.5 minutes per day only, and even watching video on tv smart tv, or look through the set-top-box will increase, but it cannot substitute the decline of PC and laptop.

However, the overall ad spending on PCs, laptops and TVs. Still higher and attract more than a mobile.

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