Monday, July 3, 2017

GSMA expected within the 2020 mobile phone new users almost half in India and China.

From the way that Intelligence information on GSMA used cell phones, and not less than 5 thousand million, the latest report of the GSMA Mobile Asia Pacific topics: Economy is expected by the year 2020 there will be a Smartphone user (new mobile subscribers) increased 753 million people.

In a number of them have is about 206 million people, India nationals representing 27% and 155 million people, representing the of Chinese 21%, while in the Asia-Pacific region. From existing 2.7 billion at the end of last year, and will likely rise to 3.1 billion in 2020 with the representing 2 in 3 of the growing number of worldwide.

And with the increase in the number of mobile phone users in the Asia Pacific. The access rate per capita mobile phone (Mobile Penetration) increased from 66% at the end of last year, and is 75% which specifies that the GSMA Asia as a region where there are gaps of Mobile Penetration It is the 4 country with the most access to Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. And at least North Korea

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