Saturday, July 15, 2017

The revenue of mobile games, surpassing game console and PC for the first time in history.

Count this as one more noteworthy phenomenon when DFC Intelligence has revealed a new report comes out that in years past 2016. The revenues of the game on mobile and portable devices with total revenue of overtaking the game on consoles and the PC for the first time in history.

In the year 2016, the mobile game market it grew up from a year earlier to 32% and the value of up to 38 billion dollars and from market research firm Newzoo's estimate. The total value may also shot up to 65 billion dollars by the year 2016 for the number one position of the mobile game provider as of China, NetEase, which could overtake the previous champion, Tencent has however still dominate the game company Tencent, the position of the world's largest original.

The report said company studies over 30 companies and DFC found that Casual Games lighthearted Game hanging or casino games coming to saturation point in the market for mobile games. Now, the market began to turn to catch a game that is more complex, and producers tend wanom game console and PC may be jumping down playing in the mobile game market.

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