Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Facebook may not be Cool for teens anymore. EMarketer expects younger users to drop.

eMarketer Marketing Analyst Firm Predicts That Facebook Users At Younger The number is down. And while Facebook has Instagram that can appeal to younger users, Snapchat is also catching up.

eMarketer is predicting 2018. This may be the first time the number of Facebook users aged 12-17 years in the US is less than half. Compared to the total number of Internet users in the same age group. But the number is going to increase to the older user group instead.

The number of users aged 11 years and less is down 9.3%, while those aged 12-17 years are down 5.6% and 18- 24 years old, down 5.8%.

Instagram eMarketer predicts that there will be more than 1.6 million users under the age of 24, but Snapchat will have more users than Instagram 1.9 million, but Instagram still dominate.

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