Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Apple prepared to purchase music search app Shazam

Apple has issued a letter confirming the acquisition. Shazam music voice search service, and then, without revealing the value but expected value about 400 million dollars. Which was lower than the last value of capital increase 1 billion dollars.

Apple says They are delighted to Shazam and the team will team up with Apple, which Apple Music and Shazam that is compatible. Search for music sharing And deliver music to users of Shazam said the app is an app that high score. There are hundreds of millions of users worldwide. And ready to move to a new home to deliver innovation to users.

Siri currently features music search by voice by working through Shazam, however, their status, it is also not clear. Apple and Shazam will do next with the Shazam app on Android, but that seems to be missing it. Is to connect with other streaming services including Spotify.

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