Thursday, December 14, 2017

Facebook Messenger announced years statistics 2017 revealed now users than 1.3 billion people.

Facebook announced 2017 Year in Review of Messenger by statistics of various important incident on the platform, from January to November. The interesting thing is as follows.

Facebook Messenger is the use of more than 1.3 billion people worldwide

• There is a discussion on Messenger on average per day 7 billion times this year.

• An open discussion (conversation thread) by a daily average of 260 million times

• New year's day, mother's Day (of the U.S.), and Valentine's day, a day with its use Messenger high.

• with video chat in realtime 17 billion times.  doubled compared to 2016, people around the world using video chat, even in Antarctica.

• Send an emoji 500 billion this year. or a daily average value of 1.7 billion times.

• a file transfer GIF images all 18 billion times

• a group of 2.5 million, the group was created on Messenger every day, the average person in the chat group of about 10 people.

• Facebook Messenger allows users to customize the color and emoji in chat groups. The most popular color is red. And emoji most popular is the red heart

• All reactions are sent 11 billion times in a group chat by reactions that are the most popular in the group chat is 😆 (haha) on individual chats is 😍 (love)

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