Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Kaspersky sued the United States government. Use the information that it is not yet clear evidence of banned the software of company.

Kaspersky Lab security software manufacturers from Russia, have filed for the court to ban software commands of the U.S. After the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) u.s. orders banning software from Kaspersky that is used in all government departments since September because of worry that there might be espionage information from the Russian Federation.

The company said the blame the Government, trust in news and information that is not yet finalised and used as evidence in a review of the use of the software is Kaspersky asks court to order cancelled a previously announced DHS and explains that the company's software is not a threat, the U.S. Government agency.

Kaspersky declined steadily since it was banned by the relevant Russian government. By confirming that the company has never been involved with any government, or any government that allows for espionage. The company had released the source code to provide audited by independent agencies. Which the government is willing But said it was not enough.

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