Monday, December 4, 2017

25-year anniversary of the advent of SMS for the first time in the world.

December 3rd, when 25 years ago, Neil Papworth, engineers send SMS is the first in the world with a message saying "merry Christmas" from the computer to the mobile phone of Richard Jarvis, Managing Vodafone past 25 years, the evolution message quite changed.

The first phase of SMS messaging on mobile phones is still not widely used because of restrictions such as a mobile phone designed to be easy to talk to. Not the type to send a text

Until the start of a smart phone as SMS text messaging grew up in the United States. The rate of growth of text messaging from 10,000 million to 45,000 million in 2006, a year later.

The role of SMS much less because the app chat happen a lot, but SMS did not disappear. And a good choice for the message to others in a very limited circumstances, such as phone does not support the Internet. Not in the wireless internet access.

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