Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Apple will release the source code Lisa important work of Steve Jobs.

Apple Lisa is a project that Steve Jobs Tops conscious control project until the project by naming his daughter Lisa Brennan, but the project failed. The total sales of only 100,000 over two years (Macintosh sales over the same period sold 70,000 units in three months), it is rarely used in a wide circle. But now it has announced the lisalist that Apple is preparing to release the source code in 2018, this is Lisa.

Given that Apple is announcing now review the code that will leave some parts out. The parts that could not be released, such as American Heritage Dictionaries Bundled with software LisaWrite the process of releasing the source code will be released through the Computer History Museum.

The major reason that Lisa did not succeed is very expensive. The launch price of up to $ 10,000 in 1983. The operating system itself is highly complex. Until the software is slow.

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