Saturday, October 28, 2017

The change of the screen iPhone X once 279 dollars, repair the other 579 dollars.

Apple reveals iPhone X repair costs, which it expects by expensive by value, change the screen located at 279 dollars and the value of repair parts other than the screen up to 579 dollars, exceeding half of the price of the machine, as well.

This rate increased from 6/6s/7/8 iPhone repairs regular price $149 version of screen and 319 dollars for repair other sections (Plus version will be 169/349 dollars).

In the event that the customer purchased AppleCare + insurance that covers the first 2 made the ruins. Change monitor is located at 29 dollars and the cost of repair parts is another 99 dollars (price, AppleCare+ $199).

The cost of repairs in each country will vary. In UK The screen changed to 286.44 pounds and 556.44 pounds for repairs elsewhere.

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