Friday, October 13, 2017

Google invested $ 1 billion in project development skills. And education to the US

Google launched the Grow with Google increase professional skills and education is also investing $ 1 billion to nonprofit organizations worldwide, with the goal of reducing the gap in education.

Grow with Google is a way for users to access the tools developed for the study.
And develop skills for job-seekers. Including businesses and start-ups as well. Content to be learned, such as computer science, AR, VR, using Digital tools for the classroom. Website creation Online Marketing Enhancement coding, etc. Google also offers a team or as trainer Googler 1,000 people close to the project participants.

The 1 billion dollar investment to invest in organizations that have goals, wants to reduce the educational channel, preparing people for jobs at change and pledge that no one will be sidelined out donation this change ability.

Other Technology companies such as Microsoft's investment in education as well TechSpark is working in a small town. expand the capabilities of technology. Apple investors creating jobs in the U.S., 1 billion dollars.

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