Thursday, January 18, 2018

Google will take the speed of Web-page to calculate the ranking search results.

Google announced that from July onwards Google Search will begin to bring the speed of Web pages is used as a factor in the calculation for the ranking of search results on the portable device, which is Google called Speed Update.

Google said that the method of ranking search results, this will only affect pages that work too slow. Where there is very little amount of Google ranking calculation method is used in exactly the same way with all of the Web page. Whether to use the technology to make the Web no matter what kind, but that the search is considered more important, so even if a Web page is loading slowly, it can also reside in a Web page, the higher the better. With content that meets the user interested.

However, Google recommends developers use web tools like Chrome User Experience Report, Lighthouse and PageSpeed ​​Insights to monitor the performance of the web by roughly.

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